Door To Door Dallas Flyers
Door To Door Dallas Flyers
Home of the #1 Dallas Advertising Door Hanger
Home of the #1 Dallas Advertising Door Hanger
Call us Today!! (972) 294-9065
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Refund/Return/Exchange Policy:
Refund/Return/Exchange Policy:
All Sales Final/ No Exchanges/Returns/ or Cancellations. Door To Door Dallas Flyers© / Premier Marketing Dallas provides a quality service; that being said all sales final, no exchanges of services, or refunds. Since beginning in 2003, we have had ZERO client claims due to an unhappy experience. Door To Door Dallas Flyers© / Premier Marketing Dallas offers a 100% client satisfaction guarantee on design, prints, & distribution. Payment for any services renders a clients understanding and agreement of Door To Door Dallas Flyers© / Premier Marketing Dallas's Refund/Return/Exchange Policy.
To contact Customer Service please email: or Call (972) 294-9065.